by Frank J

10-Minute Bodyweight Workout For The Core And Butt

bodyweight workout for the core and butt
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bodyweight workout for the core and butt
You need to strengthen your lower body and beat the barriers to rotational movement. Do a core and butt bodyweight workout and tone your glutes.

If you feel you need some work done on your lower body, you probably should. Thanks to The Greatist Team, you only need 10 minutes to do a bodyweight workout that works best on your core and butt.

Why Work Your Glutes

First and foremost, The Greatist Team explains why you need to work out your butt.

“Your glutes are the largest muscle group in your body, so nearly everything you do with the lower body is powered by your backside.”

If I may add, your glute muscles work together to allow you to rotate and do all necessary body movements.

Bodyweight Workout Pattern

To perform their recommended 10-minute bodyweight workout, you first need to warm up. The warm-up exercise is itself a move that already triggers your glutes.

Here’s a typical sequence:

  • Quick warm-up with hip flexors
  • Static moves
  • Pulses

You just have to “grab a mat to get started.” The static steps add a bit of challenge especially as you perform them after the rotating exercises. Pulses provide a new warm-up to the succeeding move.

“The best part is that you’ll also be simultaneously working your core with each exercise, so you get two targeted workouts for the price of one.”

I always loved hitting two birds at the same time, so this 10-minute bodyweight workout entirely proves to be a real bonus.

Bodyweight Exercises Involved

Probably the best thing about this core and butt workout is that the exercises are bodyweight.

Here are some of the moves you need to perform:

  • Hip Circles
  • Donkey Kick and Pulse
  • Fire Hydrant plus Pulse
  • Side Kick, Hold, and Pulse
  • Bicycle Kicks
  • Side Bend

To make it easier for you, the authors included a video tutorial from Grokker. The demonstration is clear, easy-to-follow, and even inspiring. You should probably check it yourself, try the workout, and strengthen your lower body as a result. All you need to do is

“…carve out 10 minutes of your day to try this quick butt workout.”

You’ll sweat a ton for sure and then shed off those extra lower-body fats.

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