by Frank J

Best Bodyweight Shoulder Workout

bodyweight shoulder workout
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Considering the daily routines and house chores ladies do — from picking up objects to doing the laundry — shoulders play an integral part in completing the daily do’s. And that simply tells us that “strong arms” is not just for men. In fact, every one of us needs to strengthen our shoulders. I’m not saying women should also have big delts as men have. It’s on you. However, we typically forget the importance of strong arms. When we get inspired to work them out, most of us think about the gym. If you’re one of those who want to strengthen up the shoulders at home without using equipment, you’re on the right page, buddy! Read on to learn more about a bodyweight shoulder workout that will get those delts in shape!

3 Sets Of Each Exercise To Failure

Our friend, Conor Sloan of ConorSloan/YouTube, shares to us 6 exercises that help us sorely but surely achieve strong and healthy deltoids. Here is the list of exercises:

  • Handstand, Decline Pike Or Normal Pike Push Up
  • Jacked Rabbit
  • Bodyweight Side Lateral
  • Delt Rotation
  • Power Pushaway Push-Up
  • Iron Cross

You have to do each exercise in the above bodyweight shoulder workout in “3 sets to failure.” What Sloan means by this is that the minimum reps for each exercise are 3 and you must push for more reps until you can’t make it any further. He advises us to write down how many reps (more than three) we make for each exercise. This is for us to know how to beat it on our next workout. The handstand push-up is the most difficult push-up variation. Yet it is the most effective one at sculpting the shoulders. Moreover, Sloan states that if you can’t do the handstand just yet, you can try the decline pike push-up. And if you still can’t do it as well, do the normal pike push-up.

bodyweight side lateral
Sloan does the bodyweight side lateral exercise Credits: ConorSloan/YouTube

On the photo above, Sloan does the body weight (BW) side lateral exercise on his right side. Perform this on one side as many reps as you can and repeat on the other side.

iron cross
Sloan does the iron cross Credits: ConorSloan/YouTube

The second photo shows Sloan performing the iron cross. This exercise works out the rear deltoid and builds up the upper back strength.

The Best Bodyweight Shoulder Workout

To have a better view of this bodyweight shoulder workout, watch the video below by ConorSloan/YouTube.  “Strong muscles” is key while “strong shoulders” is ‘glory.’ So, regardless of gender and age, strengthen up those delts now! Lastly, don’t forget to share your bodyweight shoulder workout journey with us on the comments below. Credits: ConorSloan/YouTube 


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